Thursday, March 3, 2011

You were what....denied?!?

Beav and I have to go to pre-cana this weekend. To be honest, there was a time when Beav and I made it a priority to go to church every Sunday together but something happened and we lost it. At this time neither one of us are feeling very religious and wishes that our first weekend off together since January should not be spent talking about God and how our love is somehow related. But we are doing it regardless - who knows maybe we will learn something interesting.

The most annoying part of the situation is....of course its related to the NYPD...was that he was denied the days off yesterday! Beav put the papers in about a month ago and 3 days before he should have the day off they give him the paper back being denied!!! Unacceptable! Someone's job is to work in administration and a month turn over rate is ridiculous. So, today Beav returned to work with the confirmation letter stating he really has to go to pre-cana and we really spent $300 for this. The LT gave in and said ok but not before he suggested taking lost time. He wanted Beav to go to pre-cana from 9-4 then work from 5:30-2:05am. Maybe he could do it for one day but doing that schedule for 2 days would be dangerous. He would be exhausted and really not in the best mind frame to be out on the street with a gun. He explained that and the LT understood so thankfully the $300 was not wasted and this weekend we will go earn our pre-cana certificate from the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

1 comment:

  1. I hope his department pays exceptionally well. Because their attitude SUX. Pardon my saying so.

    We never worry about time off. If he asks, it's granted.

    Um, that said, it's a bit smaller than there. But I should ask our friend who's a Sgt somewhere in your neck of the woods. I can't imagine that they care so little.

    GRRRRR.... Now go get something good out of it!!!
